Eight Count, a film by Jaden Payne, follows a young dancer whose journey keeping up with an eating disorder is all-too-closely closely narrated. The film premiered October 27th, 2022 and is currently in consideration for four festivals.

The film stars Sophia Payne as the main character, Alyssa Montgomery, a very well kept and misinformed teenage girl who has become quite good at keeping her secret. As she not only navigates the daily stress of being a teen in the modern world and pushing herself as through dance, her unhealthy habits begin to catch up to her and her undisclosed life begins to unravel as the narrator thoroughly explains to the audience the exact extents of what she puts herself through. A tight, intimate, and visually explored narrative story.

The project is written and directed by Jaden Payne, as well as cinematography done by Jordan Payne.